Sunday, September 8, 2013

Military Contractors & Marines: Lowest Form Of Human Life

I had a conversation today with a military contractor:
"I work at IBM as a national security programmer. I'm white, it's expected to me to be a member of society, nothing is handed to me unlike many blacks and some whites who overwhelm the system. That is not me, I have worked for most that I have."

"But many more blacks come from poor backgrounds and don't have land, and the govt/taxpayers pay for your education and life so that's not really fair or true."

"I went to private school, my grandparents and parents paid for it, I work for IBM not the government. As far being black racism is over and they can have lands of there own if they work for it like the rest of us."

"But your parents and grandparents were Marine mercs and the money IBM pays you comes directly from the government and taxpayers. For black people, paying for private school is not an option, and white people have land because they stole it from the Native Americans during slavery and have been passing it down ever since."

"The money is from working hard, saving up, not from the government, I'm half Native American [obvious lie]."

"White people don't have land on the basis of Native American ancestry, and you only have the money from your job because of the government creating the job. Your family gets its money from the government."

"I work for IBM and last time I checked it is its own company..."

"If the govt doesn't give IBM money then your job doesn't exist."

"I'm through talking to you. You're not what I thought..."

"What were you thinking? I meet military welfare trash all the time. They all live in the sticks, live off the govt, are super racist, get everything paid for by Northern taxpayers, and have insane entitlement issues."

"I am not a military welfare person and I don't live in the sticks."

"Missouri is the sticks and yes you are. If you didn't get military welfare your family would be dirt poor."

"I'm not super racist..."

"You think whites and blacks deserve their respective lots in life, and you think because you are white you should have higher expectations for yours."

"I don't think I'm entitled to anything. IBM pays me and I don't get anything from the govt..."

"Your entire family are Marine thugs. I've met a lot of them. They are all very racist, entitled, hate America and hate democracy, and think they aren't living off taxpayers. The government pays you and them. IBM gives you money from taxpayers, if they didn't, taxpayers and America would be better off."

"I'm sorry but you are wrong..."

That is the case with every military contractor I've ever met.
-Intensely racist
-Entire family is in the military (which is how they get connected with overpaid jobs with extremely light workloads and free education)
-Live in the sticks (usually on family estates)
-Untouched by the [intellectually] liberal world (i.e., they have zero knowledge of history, current events, or other cultures and ways of life and get all their ideas - not news, but ideas - from FOX)

Eturnalshift, anyone...?

About the Marines, my observations stand. I have never met a US Marine that doesn't hate America and hate democracy.

Of course they will never admit it straight up, they are always really gutless and dishonest about it. But if you listen - really listen - to what Marines and other military people have to say, that is their fundamental message, how they hate America and what it stands for.

Military trash, especially Marines, always try to draw imaginary divisions between themselves ("real" Americans) and Americans who are not like them: don't share their anti-American views, aren't WASP (e.g., colored or non-Protestant), and have real jobs instead of being on military welfare.

The factual implication of their message is that the Marines are really only loyal to themselves and those like them. That is why they always make a point of saying that "I have a family," as if breeding is proof of moral rectitude. The goal is to narrow the scope of moral consideration to those like them, and that in reality they hate who the American people actually are, a polygot united by loyalty not to blood or a government organization, but a nation, a common history and a set of ideals.

If it came down to a choice between facing a reduction in their importance/stature or fighting the American people with gun and bayonet, don't doubt for a moment which option the Marines would choose.

Marines also love blaming politicians for all their problems and talk about how much better things would be if the Marines (some of them even add the flourish, 'especially the enlisted') were in charge. Go read books like Starship Troopers or Ender's Game which lay out the Marine anti-American dogma.

The implication of the Marine fetish for politician-blaming is that democracy is what is wrong with this country, and military dictatorship would be the solution. Therefore, for all their nonsense about fighting for freedom, in reality the Marines despise not only American freedoms but our very way of life.

This is also why Marines think nothing of threatening Americans with violence when their anti-American views are challenged. Because, in the heart of a Marine, every American's right to his own opinion and expressing it freely is an intolerable inconvenience to his own selfish anti-American agenda. To the Marines, the American way of life is not something that should be fought for, but fought against.

This is why it is very important to disrespect the American military at every opportunity. When someone asks you to donate to "Support the Troops", laugh at them and spit at their feet and tell them to go get a real job. When a guy walks by in a military uniform, tell him to get a real job. Make a point of being deliberately rude to these scumbags. Refer to them parenthetically as welfare trash or burdens on society.

Some might ask what this really accomplishes, besides making a spectacle. The answer is that the technical term that applies here is "taboo". Taboos serve to demarcate the difference between acceptable and unacceptable behavior in a society, to ensure the continued legitimacy of social institutions and ultimately the morals a society rests on.

Not all morals are good. Some, such as reverence for the military, are bad. The prime historical example, of course, is Abraham the idol-smasher gradually turning this world from one that accepts idolatry and respect for graven images into one that accepts monotheism in principle if not fact. Or the famous Kirk/Uhura kiss that, however imperfectly, laid the foundations for a more just society.

As soon as the unthinkable becomes thinkable, then acceptable, then commonplace, things begin to change; first what we see, then what we think, then what we accept. And disrespecting the military at every opportunity is part of that.

So what do you do if you get hit?

Nothing. They can hit you, but they're still wrong. After all, violence is the last refuge of the incompetent, and if you aren't willing to make some sacrifices, then you don't deserve to change the world.

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