Monday, June 10, 2013

On Feminazism - And Why Feminism Is Doomed

The article broaches two elements of Feminism (in America, where Feminism has been much more successful in changing society for the worse, it is disparagingly referred to as "Feminazism") which betray the true nature of the movement.

First, the observation that Feminists are typically college-educated. This is a half-truth.

Although Feminists tend to be college-educated, they invariably specialize in the softest of soft majors. In America they have even invented the field of "women's studies", then demanded subsidies and salary equalization legislation (the "sue everybody" bill) when the major proved so abtruse and so irrelevant that those who pursued it proved unemployable.

Feminist academics are invariably ignorant individuals with slovenly mental habits. The remarkable resemblance between the debate style of Feminists and the debate style of Adolf Hitler is what has earned them their appellation as "Feminazis" (and no, this is not a "Godwin", because the comparison is relevant).

Like the historical Nazis, the Feminists are apt to rely on the methods of repeating the same lies again and again until even otherwise reasonable people are prepared to accept they are at least partially true; using the mantle of victimhood to justify victimizing others; relying on emotion, shock value and mass mobilization over intellectual sophistication; an intense and unequivocal hostility towards family, business, religion, and anything and everything that exists outside the movement; the creation of an entire pseudoscience of bigotry; and the belief that critical thinking is an ideological contaminant (because only through unadulterated emotion can ideological purity can be achieved).

One of the more ominous patterns that "Feminazis" have in common with the historical Nazis is the efforts of ideologically minded individuals to usurp the mantle of academic prowess in fields they are not qualified of. I remember in college I encountered a Feminist who presumed to claim a doctorate in Classical Studies, lectured to an audience of 200 undergraduates about the Spartans (a supposedly more gender-correct society, which actually isn't true since the apex of Spartan society was military service which was by definition exclusive to men) then left them breathless when she was revealed ignorant of the "helots".

Second, the topic of racism and Feminism.

Race is obviously a much more problematic issue in America than Germany, and I would like to point out to our German friends that (without taking occasion to blame the German nation for the atrocity that was the Holocaust - I personally am Jewish) we Americans haven't taken occasion to conveniently remove the problem for future generations by eradicating our unpopular ethnic minorities. The point is, race is an ongoing issue in American society, which, like every society, is a work in progress; therefore, Germans should be well to consider American experiences instructive and not merely testament to the barbarism that is American society.

Anyway, American Feminists are invariably White, and almost always of Protestant descent. (Many Feminazis pretend to be Jewish, as their modus operandi is to associate themselves with legitimately persecuted groups, seek legitimacy in the social strata they claim to disdain, and to appeal to the Protestant perception of Jews as intellectually superior - the classic behaviors of the chronically insecure). This is so for a very simple reason. No Black American woman would seriously believe that her gender is more of a social handicap than her race. The Feminist movement is a White women's movement, a way for the serially over-privileged to continue to claim privilege over other groups in society.

The Feminazis talk about race. But all it is, is lip service. They have absolutely no interest in correcting racial issues in society, only in allying with other politically minded groups to persecute White males (who are by now an extreme minority in American society and the only group it is legal to discriminate against without legal repercussions). This evil policy has not managed to close the race/gender gap, or even narrow it - it has widened it - because it does not resolve the underlying problems, lack of access to education and life progression.

What Feminazism has instead created is women like those seen in the picture in the article. Confused, angry, hormonal women who are very much cut from the same cloth as the confused, angry young men who felt their masculinity flattered by historical Nazism 80 years ago.

Perhaps the most poignant parallel between historical Nazism and Feminazism is what happens to the loyal-unto-death after "the party is over". They become old, burned-out individuals who spend the remainder of their lives as grifters and pensioners, alone and forgotten amidst a world that has moved on.

Women who were like these individuals back in the 60s (and never learned to hold a job, keep house, or wash their hair) can still be seen at bars, lesbian cafes, flea markets, and drug alleys - the slag heaps of society.

Perhaps that is the greatest evil perpetrated by Feminism. Dooming these young women to that bleak future.

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