Monday, March 7, 2011

WoW Satire: A Modest Proposal, For The Nerfing of Cataclysm Heroics, & Faster LFD Queues

Lately it has been said by many that Cataclysm heroics are too difficult, and require a nerf. There are also complaints to the effect that Cataclysm consumables are way too expensive, and should be more readily available to players. Now, everyone knows that consumables make content easier. So perhaps if we provide those consumables, the nerf will not be necessary.

The superlative consumable in Cataclysm is the Broiled Dragon Feast. Now, it's very expensive, and players with lives can't be bothered farming it. And that is reasonable.
There is also the issue that we the players are currently allies with most of the Dragonflights, and surely they do not appreciate us feeding upon the flesh of their kin.

It is a known fact that dragons love the taste of humanoid flesh. They make a fine meal for hatchlings, and as they often come into their dwellings seeking loot, the dragons need not even leave their lair to feed. Raider bones are also excellent for the picking of dragon teeth. But surely, who wants to be fed to the dragons? No one.

There are those who blame the WotLK babies for this mess that we are now in. Whether or not it is the WotLK babies that are truly to blame for the perceived difficulty of Cataclysm heroics is neither here nor there. But is it not logical that the needs of the few are outweighed by the needs of the many? Is it not logical to sacrifice the WotLK babies so that the playerbase can progress in Cataclysm?

I propose a compromise.

We the playerbase shall receive a supply of dragon meat straight from the Dragonflights, procured in whatever manner they see fit, and we shall in turn provide them with the flesh of WotLK babies. I am told by a friend, who plays on Illidan-US, that the flesh of other players is indeed most satisfying, pre-cooked by remaining in the fire for long periods, and tenderized by the frequent impact of having fallen down stairs and ledges.

The dragon meat can be used to make Dragon Feasts, which will provide players with the abundance of stats they require to clear heroics, and we will see a dramatic reduction in the population of WotLK babies.

I beseech you all, friends, to support my most modest proposal.

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