Monday, March 7, 2011

WoW Satire: Can Eredar Love?

Eredar, like Draenei and most but not all other "natural-born" races, are gendered, with male and female members of the species. At this time Sironas, the hostile NPC encountered in the Draenei starting area, is the only in-game female Eredar, but we are told Sunwell shall feature female Eredar twins as one of the boss encounters.

My question is this...We accept that Eredar are fundamentally and unequivocally evil. This being the case, is it possible to them to feel love? I would suspect the answer is no; Sayaad, for example, have a working understanding and fetishistic interest in love, but almost certainly do not feel it themselves. It's generally accepted that no one who loves can be wholly evil; the Eredar are, and thus cannot love.

That being the case, we must ask, how does courtship and gender relations work in Eredar culture? Do they have entirely pragmatic gender relations aimed at perpetuating the species and transferring power and wealth through the generations? The fact that many of them assume titles (such as "Prince" Malchezzar) would suggest this.

Is there truly honor amongst thieves? Do the Eredar, like the Nazrethim, observe a code of conduct that maintains peace and order within the ranks of the maleficient? Or are their gender relations colored by their evil nature, with unsavory behaviors, non-consenual relations, infidelity and other abhorrent acts commonplace?

Any answers or insights?

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