Friday, August 16, 2013

How Feminism Caused The Rise Of Nazism

Some time ago I promised to explain this contention of mine. And today - here you go. I invite the harshest criticism of my thesis. Challenge me on any and all claims.

Feminists offer a lot of different explanations for the origin and purpose of their ideology, all of them wrong. There is, however, a correct answer: Feminism found its origins in World War I.

Proto-Feminists had existed before the war - since the beginning of time, really - but they always were (and in their institutional state today, still are) unnatural perverts and malcontents who hate women, men, children, and society - prime examples being the ominous seamstresses in "A Tale of Two Cities", or historical figures like Jiang Qing or Theodora - crazy women driven by nihilistic rage. It was the turbulence of World War I and the succeeding triumph of the social and moral aberration that is Capitalism that allowed Feminism to finally get a foothold in society.

Something like eight million Western European men died in the Great War. Many times that number were crippled, lost a limb, or had what we would now call very extreme PTSD. Because of this, they could not hold jobs, marry, or be family men.

In the world of the early 20th century, marriage was an institution equated with social legitimacy, for both men and women. To be unmarried was to not be socially respectable. World War I created a massive deficit in the supply of men, and as a result, tens of millions of European women found themselves shut out of respectable society.

There was another serious consequence. Women, like men, really like having sex. In the society of the time, people were expected to be monogamous for life. But due to the shortage of eligible men, tens of millions of European women were also being told they could never have sex. Ever.

Faced with this impossible situation, countless women simply said, "No social respectability, AND no cock? Well... Well... SCREW YOU!!!" And so began the drug- and alcohol- infused Roaring Twenties. Remember that the war disproportionately claimed the lives of those fit to fight: able-bodied, law-abiding members of mainstream society. Those unclaimed, were disproportionately the physically or mentally infirm, the disreputable, the socially abberrant. So due to the shortage of cocks, during the 20s, the same few cocks had to fit many more vaginas. Women, disaffected.with the impossible demands of society, got knocked up by criminals, lowlives and even homeless people.

Drugs are mostly illegal today, but they are also known variables. Weed or meth or cocaine or whatnot are not strange or mysterious to us; we know what they are and what they do, whether we do them or think they should be legal or not. In the 20s, however, drugs flooded into a society completely unaccustomed to them. The result was madness.

Because all the men were dead, crippled or insane, women flooded into the workplace. The rise of American capital and the crushing cost of the war to infrastructure further depressed the economy and reduced the number of available jobs. With the flood of women into a much reduced job market, countless men found themselves unable to get work.

Into this crazy, chaotic world of women coming home knocked up by homeless people, hordes of demented men who knew how to do nothing but kill, unemployed masses and the looming power of the overpowered American economy - with tremendous natural resources, unfettered by the costs of war - churning out vast quantities of goods far more cheaply than Europe could hope to (much like contemporary China) - into this, stepped Adolf Hitler.

The rise of Hitler is widely misunderstood. It had almost nothing to do with anti-Semitism or poverty, conditions that had been widespread in Germany at various times. About a hundred thousand Germans had starved to death during the war and even after - the embargo against Germany was not lifted until 1920.

What ultimately was decisive in Hitler's rise to power was the profound social chaos of 1920s Germany. Britain and France suffered similar problems, largely overlooked in the shadow of Hitler. But they also had far greater resources to deal with them, and had not lost nearly so many men in the war.

We must understand the enormous impact of a specific bias in the historical record here. Sex and how it affects human motivations is fundamental to the human condition, but the people of the time had absolutely no socially appropriate way of describing its impact on them as individuals or as a society. There just wasnt the means to come out and talk about what i just the dialogue was about other things, never mind the 800kg gorilla in the room - sex-driven social chaos.

This is why this thesis of mine has no place in the historical record - proof being that in fact there is very little talk of any kind about the actual social conditions or sex lives of interbellum Westerners.

A key element of the Fascist and Nazi platforms largely overlooked by historians was the demand for traditional gender roles. Both the Fascists and Nazis actively forced women out of the workplace, and back into the home.

It is too easy to conflate this with Nazi atrocities such as the Holocaust and world domination. To be bigoted is to refuse to understand - what must be understood here are the social conditions that drove these policies, and also, that the policies were largely successful in fixing the problems. Men had jobs, women were safe, and children were cared for.

And so it was there was never a Nazi Rosie the Riveter - women never entered the Nazi workforce for these ideological reasons, even though having men and not women work kept those men off the front, to the detriment of the Nazi war effort. The very few exceptions - Leni Riefenstahl and Hanna Reitsch - served to prove the rule; both had grossly abnormal sex lives and seemed to direct their sexual affection onto the regime or Hitler personally.

Anyway, after the war, Europe and America settled on different answers to the question of labor and sex that had been up in the air since the start of the century. Europe developed democratic socialism, defusing the gender conflict by externalizing the cost of unemployment and child-rearing to the state. A decent compromise.

In postwar America, however, tremendous wealth flowed into the economy, from exports to Europe, the strong dollar, and the exploitation of the former colonies. At the same time, automation put huge numbers of men out of work. America became a nation run by the free market like never before, with the control valves - the power of labor and scarcity of capital - removed.

This undermined the man's role of breadwinner and gradually forced women into the workplace to ensure positive cash flow and the ability to compete with the spending power of two-wage households.

Women, however, are physically weaker, less aggressive, and less technically oriented than men. In an atomized, everyone-for-themselves society - and the vacillation of the male breadwinner with the end of monogamy and mass automation - women were forced head-to-head against men.

The founders of the feminist movement were sick people - mostly petty criminals and "alley cats" - mentally ill women too crazy, too histrionic, too out-of-control to survive in mainstream society. Like street thugs, they lived in packs and resolved their differences through catfighting. Many of the mores and institutions of feminism today can be directly traced back to women's prisons. Women's prisons today are still strongholds of lesbianism; women who are inclined to become bona fide lesbians are invariably people basically hostile to civil society.

They were also all white. The feminists were, and are, overwhelmingly white, middle-class Anglo-American, because the reality is that the most fundamental social divisor is not gender, but economic class, followed by race/nationality, followed by physical/mental/emotional strength, and then, possibly, by gender. It is so, and it has always been so. A rich woman has infinitely more power than a poor man, even if the fortune is in her husband's name. A white woman has more power than a black man. A smart, or educated, or strong, or attractive, or pious, or willful woman, has more power and credibility, is more employable, than a man lacking in those qualities.

So feminists claimed to speak for all women. But really they spoke for only a very few: Anglo-American white women from middle-class backgrounds, unwilling to accept the lot in life of a poor or black woman or man. Only a small minority of English-speaming women, and probably not even 1% of women worldwide.

After failed attempts at making waves through terrorist attacks (blowing up shoe stores) and pseudo-Marxism, in the late 60s the feminists hit on the idea of enlisting more white women in the service of their cause by way of a simple stratagem:

They would promise white women the moon.

Feminists voted themselves into academia and systematically spun a web of lies about oppression of women, with one target audience: other, more mainstream, white middle class Anglo-American women who wanted more stuff in life. They created a perverse system of incentives to enrich themselves through the destruction of men, through "family law", harassment/discrimination suits, breast cancer research (a giant moneymaking scam) and various forms of rackeetering involving "consulting services".

Planned Parenthood makes headlines for "killing babies", but the true dark secret of the organization and many like it is that its spending on medical care versus administration and publicity is worse than any other public or private medical service provider. Planned Parenthood doesnt make its money by killing babies, it does it by billing governments and individuals outrageous fees for services then pocketing most of it. This can be easily verified by browsing PP's financial statements, which, per US law, are in the public domain.

Feminism is what it has always been: a sort of cult with a few "in the know" hardcore constituents and a wider cadre of individuals somehow sucked into the movement by way of its sales of moon pie. It is a scam that will come undone as it loses credibility and its inability to construct a viable social model becomes apparent.

I lay the blame for this not on women, but on the evil that is Capitalism, how it forces people and classes into conflict rather than cooperation and degrades man to an economic object rather than a moral being. Feminism is a pillar of capitalism, feeding on the blood money of fiat dollars and Chinese imports, to keep the corrupt and evil system going through patronage.

Feminists like to claim that women have skyrocketing rates of employment in business and law because women are "empowered". In reality, the truth is the opposite. Institutions today prefer to hire women because they are easily controlled. A fundamental difference between men and women is that the male world view is fundamentally cosmic while the female world view is fundamentally social.

Men compare themselves against everything and anything, ("because it is there"), while women define themselves through the social matrix. This is also why women instinctively resort to the insult "creepy" - it is a denial of that which they most prize, social legitimacy. It is also for this reason that there have been only a few female scientists and leaders - and absolutely no female philosophers or explorers. (Ayn Rand and Sacajawea are the exceptions that prove the rule).

And it is for this reason, our Capitalist status quo finds as its most ardent defenders those who build their entire reality around whatever the status quo may be. Feminism, in the final analysis, is properly understood as the ultimate front for Capitalist tyranny.


  1. Interesting thesis, I wondered about the Nazi's being so revered by the Germans during that time. I have been taught that they were brainwashed, influenced by some kind of evil hypnosis, or so dirt poor that they would follow anyone who gave them false hope. To then find that they valued temperance, healthy food, exercise, strong work force, and non disrespect of history and tradition (not sure why that is popular now). I also wondered about and would like your insight about the Nietzsche influence on Nazi ideology and he being their go to philosopher; how do they draw the anti-Semitic ideas from him? From what I've read, Nietzsche was far more disparaging to the German drunks and priests (or properly termed decadence) than he was to the Jews, not that I can recall him ever demonstrating hate(nor distinct praise) towards Jews, rather he had some respect for their intellectual and educational inclinations.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So the durability of the values that helped propel them upwards would eventually break down, without organized infrastructure, and people would still hold onto the superiority complex even though their behavior is counter to those values. Possibly that stubbornness will only intensify into bigotry and unfound or unmerited self perception.

  4. You're making it too complex. Nazism always was an organized hypocrisy. The Nazis were street thugs, plain and simple. You can't build a moral system on blatant fallacies like "Aryan superiority" and "Hitler can do no wrong".
